Go to the end to download the full example code
Composite Multi-Product Imagery
Composite imagery from two data sources and display as a single image.
from descarteslabs.catalog import Image, properties as p
from descarteslabs.utils import display
import numpy as np
# Define a bounding box around Taos in a GeoJSON
taos = {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[-105.71868896484375, 36.33725319397006],
[-105.2105712890625, 36.33725319397006],
[-105.2105712890625, 36.73668306473141],
[-105.71868896484375, 36.73668306473141],
[-105.71868896484375, 36.33725319397006],
# Create an ImageCollection
search = (
p.product_id.any_of(["usgs:landsat:oli-tirs:c2:l2:v0", "esa:sentinel-2:l2a:v1"])
.filter("2018-05-01" <= p.acquired < "2018-06-01")
.filter(p.cloud_fraction < 0.2)
images = search.collect()
See which images we have, and how many per product:
ImageCollection of 7 images
* Dates: May 10, 2018 to May 29, 2018
* Products: usgs:landsat:oli-tirs:c2:l2:v0: 3, esa:sentinel-2:l2a:v1: 4
And if you’re curious, which image IDs:
Make a median composite of the images.
# Request a stack of all the images using the same GeoContext with lower resolution
arr_stack = images.stack("red green blue", resolution=60, data_type="Float64")
# Composite the images based on the median pixel value
composite =, axis=0)
display(composite, title="Taos Composite", size=2)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.298 seconds)