Source code for descarteslabs.catalog.product

# Copyright 2018-2023 Descartes Labs.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import time
from concurrent.futures import TimeoutError

from strenum import StrEnum

from ..common.collection import Collection
from ..common.property_filtering import Properties
from .attributes import (
from .catalog_base import (

properties = Properties()

[docs]class Product(CatalogObject): """A raster product that connects band information to imagery. Instantiating a product indicates that you want to create a *new* Descartes Labs catalog product. If you instead want to retrieve an existing catalog product use `Product.get() <descarteslabs.catalog.Product.get>`, or if you're not sure use `Product.get_or_create() <descarteslabs.catalog.Product.get_or_create>`. You can also use ` <>`. Also see the example for :py:meth:``. Parameters ---------- client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. kwargs : dict With the exception of readonly attributes (`created`, `modified`, `resolution_min`, and `resolution_max`) and with the exception of properties (`ATTRIBUTES`, `is_modified`, and `state`), any attribute listed below can also be used as a keyword argument. Also see `~Product.ATTRIBUTES`. .. _product_note: Note ---- The ``reader`` and ``writer`` IDs must be prefixed with ``email:``, ``user:``, ``group:`` or ``org:``. The ``owner`` ID only accepts ``org:`` and ``user:``. Using ``org:`` as an ``owner`` will assign those privileges only to administrators for that organization; using ``org:`` as a ``reader`` or ``writer`` assigns those privileges to everyone in that organization. The `readers` and `writers` attributes are only visible in full to the `owners`. If you are a `reader` or a `writer` those attributes will only display the element of those lists by which you are gaining read or write access. Any user with ``owner`` privileges is able to read, modify, or delete the product, including reading and modifying the ``owners``, ``writers``, and ``readers`` attributes. Any user with ``owner`` privileges can also create, read, modify, or delete bands and images for the product. Any user with ``writer`` privileges is able to read or modify the product, but not delete the product. A ``writer`` may create, read or modify bands and images for the product. A ``writer`` can read the product ``owners`` and can only read the entry in the ``writers`` and/or ``readers`` by which they gain access to the product. Any user with ``reader`` privileges is able to read the product, bands, and images. A ``reader`` can read the product ``owners`` and can only read the entry in the ``writers`` and/or ``readers`` by which they gain access to the product. Also see :doc:`Sharing Resources </guides/sharing>`. """ _doc_type = "product" _url = "/products" # _collection_type set below due to circular problems # Product Attributes name = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str: The name of this product. This should not be confused with a band name or image name. Unlike the band name and image name, this name is not unique and purely for display purposes and is used by :py:meth:`Search.find_text`. It can contain a string with up to 2000 arbitrary characters. *Searchable, sortable*. """, ) description = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str, optional: A description with further details on this product. The description can be up to 80,000 characters and is used by :py:meth:`Search.find_text`. *Searchable* """, ) owners = ListAttribute( TypedAttribute(str), doc="""list(str), optional: User, group, or organization IDs that own this product. Defaults to [``user:current_user``, ``org:current_org``]. The owner can edit, delete, and change access to this product. :ref:`See this note <product_note>`. *Filterable*. """, ) readers = ListAttribute( TypedAttribute(str), doc="""list(str), optional: User, email, group, or organization IDs that can read this product. Will be empty by default. This attribute is only available in full to the `owners` of the product. :ref:`See this note <product_note>`. """, ) writers = ListAttribute( TypedAttribute(str), doc="""list(str), optional: User, group, or organization IDs that can edit this product. Writers will also have read permission. Writers will be empty by default. See note below. This attribute is only available in full to the `owners` of the product. :ref:`See this note <product_note>`. """, ) is_core = BooleanAttribute( doc="""bool, optional: Whether this is a Descartes Labs catalog core product. A core product is a product that is fully supported by Descartes Labs. By default this value is ``False`` and you must have a special permission (``descarteslabs:core:create``) to set it to ``True``. *Filterable, sortable*. """ ) revisit_period_minutes_min = TypedAttribute( float, coerce=True, doc="""float, optional: Minimum length of the time interval between observations. The minimum length of the time interval between observations of any given area in minutes. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) revisit_period_minutes_max = TypedAttribute( float, coerce=True, doc="""float, optional: Maximum length of the time interval between observations. The maximum length of the time interval between observations of any given area in minutes. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) start_datetime = Timestamp( doc="""str or datetime, optional: The beginning of the mission for this product. *Filterable, sortable*. """ ) end_datetime = Timestamp( doc="""str or datetime, optional: The end of the mission for this product. *Filterable, sortable*. """ ) resolution_min = Resolution( readonly=True, doc="""Resolution, readonly: Minimum resolution of the bands for this product. If applying a filter with a plain unitless number the value is assumed to be in meters. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) resolution_max = Resolution( readonly=True, doc="""Resolution, readonly: Maximum resolution of the bands for this product. If applying a filter with a plain unitless number the value is assumed to be in meters. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) default_display_bands = ListAttribute( TypedAttribute(str), doc="""list(str) or iterable: Which bands to use for RGBA display. This field defines the default bands that are used for display purposes. There are four supported formats: ``["greyscale-or-class"]``, ``["greyscale-or-class", "alpha"]``, ``["red", "green", "blue"]``, and ``["red", "green", "blue", "alpha"]``. """, ) image_index_name = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str: The name of the image index for this product. This is an internal field, accessible to privileged users only. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) product_tier = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str: Product tier for this product. This field can be set by privileged users only. *Filterable, sortable*. """, )
[docs] def named_id(self, name): """Return the` for the given named catalog object. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the catalog object within this product, see :py:attr:``. Returns ------- str The named catalog object id within this product. """ return "{}:{}".format(, name)
[docs] @check_deleted def get_band(self, name, client=None, request_params=None): """Retrieve the request band associated with this product by name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the band to retrieve. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. Returns ------- Band or None A derived class of `Band` that represents the requested band object if found, ``None`` if not found. """ from .band import Band return Band.get( self.named_id(name), request_params=request_params, client=client )
[docs] @check_deleted def get_image(self, name, client=None, request_params=None): """Retrieve the request image associated with this product by name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the image to retrieve. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. Returns ------- ~descarteslabs.catalog.Image or None The requested image if found, or ``None`` if not found. """ from .image import Image return Image.get( self.named_id(name), request_params=request_params, client=client )
[docs] @check_deleted def get_delete_status(self): """Fetches the status of a deletion task. Fetches the status of a deletion task started using :py:meth:`delete_related_objects`. Returns ------- DeletionTaskStatus Raises ------ DeletedObjectError If this product was deleted. ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ClientError or ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ServerError :ref:`Spurious exception <network_exceptions>` that can occur during a network request. """ r = self._client.session.get( "/products/{}/delete_related_objects".format( ) response = r.json() return DeletionTaskStatus(, _client=self._client, **response["data"]["attributes"] )
[docs] @check_deleted def bands(self, request_params=None): """A search query for all bands for this product, sorted by default band ``sort_order``. Returns ------- :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Search` A :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Search` instance configured to find all bands for this product. Raises ------ DeletedObjectError If this product was deleted. """ from .band import Band return (, request_params=request_params) .filter(properties.product_id == .sort("sort_order") )
[docs] @check_deleted def images(self, request_params=None): """A search query for all images in this product. Returns ------- :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Search` A :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Search` instance configured to find all images in this product. Raises ------ DeletedObjectError If this product was deleted. """ from .image import Image return, request_params=request_params).filter( properties.product_id == )
[docs] @check_deleted def image_uploads(self): """A search query for all uploads in this product created by this user. Returns ------- :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Search` A :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Search` instance configured to find all uploads in this product. Raises ------ DeletedObjectError If this product was deleted. """ from .image_upload import ImageUpload return properties.product_id == )
[docs] @classmethod def namespace_id(cls, id_, client=None): """Generate a fully namespaced id. Parameters ---------- id_ : str The unprefixed part of the id that you want prefixed. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. Returns ------- str The fully namespaced id. Example ------- >>> product_id = Product.namespace_id("my-product") """ if client is None: client = CatalogClient.get_default_client() org = client.auth.payload.get("org") if org is None: org = client.auth.namespace # defaults to the user namespace prefix = "{}:".format(org) if id_.startswith(prefix): return id_ return "{}{}".format(prefix, id_)
[docs]class ProductCollection(Collection): _item_type = Product
# handle circular references Product._collection_type = ProductCollection
[docs]class TaskState(StrEnum): """The state of a task. Attributes ---------- NEVERRAN : enum The operation was never invoked. RUNNING : enum The operation is in progress. SUCCEEDED : enum The operation was successfully completed. FAILED : enum The operation resulted in a failure and may not have been completed. """ NEVERRAN = "NONE" # The operation was never started RUNNING = "RUNNING" SUCCEEDED = "SUCCESS" FAILED = "FAILURE"
class TaskStatus(object): """A base class for the status of asynchronous jobs.""" _TERMINAL_STATES = [TaskState.SUCCEEDED, TaskState.FAILED] _POLLING_INTERVAL = 60 # The following 2 attributes must be set correctly in any derived class _task_name = "task" # The name of the task as shown in __repr__() _url = "{}" # The url for getting the status of the task with the `id` passed in def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return _new_abstract_class(cls, TaskStatus) def __init__( self, id=None, status=None, start_datetime=None, duration_in_seconds=None, errors=None, _client=None, **kwargs ): self.product_id = id self.start_datetime = start_datetime self.duration_in_seconds = duration_in_seconds self.errors = errors self._client = _client or CatalogClient.get_default_client() try: self.status = TaskState(status) except ValueError: pass def __repr__(self): status = self.status.value if self.status else "UNKNOWN" text = ["{} {} status: {}".format(self.product_id, self._task_name, status)] if self.start_datetime: text.append(" - started: {}".format(self.start_datetime)) if self.duration_in_seconds: text.append(" - took {:,.4f} seconds".format(self.duration_in_seconds)) if self.errors: text.append(" - {} errors reported:".format(len(self.errors))) for e in self.errors: text.append(" - {}".format(e)) return "\n".join(text) def reload(self): """Update the task information. Raises ------ ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ClientError or ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ServerError :ref:`Spurious exception <network_exceptions>` that can occur during a network request. """ r = self._client.session.get(self._url.format(self.product_id)) response = r.json() new_values = response["data"]["attributes"] self.status = TaskState(new_values.pop("status")) for key, value in new_values.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def wait_for_completion(self, timeout=None): """Wait for the task to complete. Parameters ---------- timeout : int, optional If specified, will wait up to specified number of seconds and will raise a :py:exc:`concurrent.futures.TimeoutError` if the task has not completed. Raises ------ :py:exc:`concurrent.futures.TimeoutError` If the specified timeout elapses and the task has not completed """ if self.status in self._TERMINAL_STATES: return if timeout: timeout = time.time() + timeout while True: self.reload() if self.status in self._TERMINAL_STATES: return if timeout: t = timeout - time.time() if t <= 0: raise TimeoutError() t = min(t, self._POLLING_INTERVAL) else: t = self._POLLING_INTERVAL time.sleep(t)
[docs]class DeletionTaskStatus(TaskStatus): """The asynchronous deletion task's status Attributes ---------- product_id : str The id of the product for which this task is running. status : TaskState The state of the task as explained in `TaskState`. start_datetime : datetime The date and time at which the task started running. duration_in_seconds : float The duration of the task. objects_deleted : int The number of object (a combination of bands or images) that were deleted. errors: list In case the status is ``FAILED`` this will contain a list of errors that were encountered. In all other states this will not be set. """ _task_name = "delete task" _url = "/products/{}/delete_related_objects" def __init__(self, objects_deleted=None, **kwargs): super(DeletionTaskStatus, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.objects_deleted = objects_deleted def __repr__(self): text = super(DeletionTaskStatus, self).__repr__() if self.objects_deleted: text += "\n - {:,} objects deleted".format(self.objects_deleted) return text