Source code for descarteslabs.catalog.blob

# Copyright 2018-2023 Descartes Labs.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import io

from strenum import StrEnum

from descarteslabs.exceptions import NotFoundError

from import ThirdPartyService
from ..common.collection import Collection
from ..common.property_filtering import Properties
from .attributes import (
from .blob_download import BlobDownload
from .catalog_base import (
from .search import AggregateDateField, GeoSearch, SummarySearchMixin
from .task import TaskStatus

properties = Properties()

class StorageType(StrEnum):
    """The storage type for a blob.

    COMPUTE : enum
        Compute service job results.
    DATA : enum
        Arbitrary user-managed data. This type may be uploaded by users.
    DYNCOMP : enum
        Saved Dynamic Compute objects. This type may be uploaded by users.
    LOGS : enum
        Compute service job log output (text files).

    COMPUTE = "compute"
    DATA = "data"
    DYNCOMP = "dyncomp"
    LOGS = "logs"

[docs]class BlobSummaryResult(object): """ The readonly data returned by :py:meth:`SummaySearch.summary` or :py:meth:`SummaySearch.summary_interval`. Attributes ---------- count : int Number of blobs in the summary. bytes : int Total number of bytes of data across all blobs in the summary. namespaces : list(str) List of namespace IDs for the blobs included in the summary. interval_start: datetime For interval summaries only, a datetime representing the start of the interval period. """ def __init__( self, count=None, bytes=None, namespaces=None, interval_start=None, **kwargs ): self.count = count self.bytes = bytes self.namespaces = namespaces self.interval_start = ( parse_iso_datetime(interval_start) if interval_start else None ) def __repr__(self): text = [ "\nSummary for {} blobs:".format(self.count), " - Total bytes: {:,}".format(self.bytes), ] if self.namespaces: text.append(" - Namespaces: {}".format(", ".join(self.namespaces))) if self.interval_start: text.append(" - Interval start: {}".format(self.interval_start)) return "\n".join(text)
class BlobSearch(SummarySearchMixin, GeoSearch): # Be aware that the `|` characters below add whitespace. The first one is needed # avoid the `Inheritance` section from appearing before the auto summary. """A search request that iterates over its search results for blobs. The `BlobSearch` is identical to `Search` but with a couple of summary methods: :py:meth:`summary` and :py:meth:`summary_interval`. """ SummaryResult = BlobSummaryResult DEFAULT_AGGREGATE_DATE_FIELD = AggregateDateField.CREATED
[docs]class Blob(CatalogObject): """A stored blob (arbitrary bytes) that can be searched and retrieved. Instantiating a blob indicates that you want to create a *new* Descartes Labs storage blob. If you instead want to retrieve an existing blob use `Blob.get() <descarteslabs.catalog.Blob.get>`. You can also use ` <>`. Also see the example for :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Blob.upload`. Parameters ---------- client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. kwargs : dict With the exception of readonly attributes (`created`, `modified`) and with the exception of properties (`ATTRIBUTES`, `is_modified`, and `state`), any attribute listed below can also be used as a keyword argument. Also see `~Blob.ATTRIBUTES`. .. _blob_note: Note ---- The ``reader`` and ``writer`` IDs must be prefixed with ``email:``, ``user:``, ``group:`` or ``org:``. The ``owner`` ID only accepts ``org:`` and ``user:``. Using ``org:`` as an ``owner`` will assign those privileges only to administrators for that organization; using ``org:`` as a ``reader`` or ``writer`` assigns those privileges to everyone in that organization. The `readers` and `writers` attributes are only visible in full to the `owners`. If you are a `reader` or a `writer` those attributes will only display the element of those lists by which you are gaining read or write access. Any user with ``owner`` privileges is able to read the blob attributes or data, modify the blob attributes, or delete the blob, including reading and modifying the ``owners``, ``writers``, and ``readers`` attributes. Any user with ``writer`` privileges is able to read the blob attributes or data, or modify the blob attributes, but not delete the blob. A ``writer`` can read the ``owners`` and can only read the entry in the ``writers`` and/or ``readers`` by which they gain access to the blob. Any user with ``reader`` privileges is able to read the blob attributes or data. A ``reader`` can read the ``owners`` and can only read the entry in the ``writers`` and/or ``readers`` by which they gain access to the blob. Also see :doc:`Sharing Resources </guides/sharing>`. """ _doc_type = "storage" _url = "/storage" # _collection_type set below due to circular problems _url_client = ThirdPartyService() # Blob Attributes namespace = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str: The namespace of this blob. All blobs are stored and indexed under a namespace. Namespaces are allowed a restricted alphabet (``a-zA-Z0-9:._-``), and must begin with the user's org name, or their unique user hash if the user has no org. The required prefix is seperated from the rest of the namespace name (if any) by a ``:``. If not provided, the namespace will default to the users org (if any) and the unique user hash. The combined length of the ``namespace`` and the ``name`` cannot exceed 979 bytes. *Searchable, sortable*. """, ) name = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str: The name of this blob. All blobs are stored and indexed by name. Names are allowed a restricted alphabet (``a-zA-Z0-9:._/-``), but may not begin or end with a ``/``. The combined length of the ``namespace`` and the ``name`` cannot exceed 979 bytes. The ``/`` is intended to be used like a directory in a pathname to allow for prefix search operations, but otherwise has no special meaning. *Searchable, sortable*. """, ) storage_state = EnumAttribute( StorageState, doc="""str or StorageState: Storage state of the blob. The state is `~StorageState.AVAILABLE` if the data is available and can be retrieved, `~StorageState.REMOTE` if the data is not currently available. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) storage_type = EnumAttribute( StorageType, doc="""str or StorageType: Storage type of the blob. `~StorageType.DATA` is managed by end users (e.g. via :py:meth:`descarteslabs.catalog.Blob.upload`. Other types are generated and managed by various components of the platform. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) description = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str, optional: A description with further details on this blob. The description can be up to 80,000 characters and is used by :py:meth:`Search.find_text`. *Searchable* """, ) geometry = GeometryAttribute( doc="""str or shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, optional: Geometry representing the location for the blob. *Filterable* (use :py:meth:`BlobSearch.intersects <descarteslabs.catalog.BlobSearch.intersects>` to search based on geometry) """ ) expires = Timestamp( doc="""str or datetime, optional: Timestamp when the blob should be expired and deleted. *Filterable, sortable*. """ ) href = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str, optional: Storage location for the blob. This attribute may not be set by the end user. """, ) size_bytes = TypedAttribute( int, doc="""int, optional: Size of the blob in bytes. *Filterable, sortable*. """, ) hash = TypedAttribute( str, doc="""str, optional: Content hash (MD5) for the blob.""" ) owners = ListAttribute( TypedAttribute(str), doc="""list(str), optional: User, group, or organization IDs that own this blob. Defaults to [``user:current_user``, ``org:current_org``]. The owner can edit, delete, and change access to this blob. :ref:`See this note <blob_note>`. *Filterable*. """, ) readers = ListAttribute( TypedAttribute(str), doc="""list(str), optional: User, email, group, or organization IDs that can read this blob. Will be empty by default. This attribute is only available in full to the `owners` of the blob. :ref:`See this note <blob_note>`. """, ) writers = ListAttribute( TypedAttribute(str), doc="""list(str), optional: User, group, or organization IDs that can edit this blob. Writers will also have read permission. Writers will be empty by default. See note below. This attribute is only available in full to the `owners` of the blob. :ref:`See this note <blob_note>`. """, )
[docs] @classmethod def namespace_id(cls, namespace_id, client=None): """Generate a fully namespaced id. Parameters ---------- namespace_id : str or None The unprefixed part of the id that you want prefixed. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. Returns ------- str The fully namespaced id. Example ------- >>> namespace = Blob.namespace_id("myproject") # doctest: +SKIP 'myorg:myproject' # doctest: +SKIP """ if client is None: client = CatalogClient.get_default_client() org = client.auth.payload.get("org") namespace = client.auth.namespace if not namespace_id: if org: return f"{org}:{namespace}" else: return namespace elif org: if namespace_id == org or namespace_id.startswith(org + ":"): return namespace_id else: return f"{org}:{namespace_id}" elif namespace_id == namespace or namespace_id.startswith(namespace + ":"): return namespace_id else: return f"{namespace}:{namespace_id}"
[docs] @classmethod def get( cls, id=None, storage_type=StorageType.DATA, namespace=None, name=None, client=None, request_params=None, ): """Get an existing Blob from the Descartes Labs catalog. If the Blob is found, it will be returned in the `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.SAVED` state. Subsequent changes will put the instance in the `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.MODIFIED` state, and you can use :py:meth:`save` to commit those changes and update the Descartes Labs catalog object. Also see the example for :py:meth:`save`. Exactly one of the ``id`` and ``name`` parameters must be specified. If ``name`` is specified, it is used together with the ``storage_type`` and ``namespace`` parameters to form the corresponding ``id``. Parameters ---------- id : str, optional The id of the object you are requesting. Required unless ``name`` is supplied. May not be specified if ``name`` is specified. storage_type : StorageType, optional The storage type of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Defaults to ``data``. Ignored unless ``name`` is specified. namespace : str, optional The namespace of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Defaults to the user's org name (if any) plus the unique user hash. Ignored unless ``name`` is specified. name : str, optional The name of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Required if ``id`` is not specified. May not be specified if ``id`` is specified. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. Returns ------- :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogObject` or None The object you requested, or ``None`` if an object with the given `id` does not exist in the Descartes Labs catalog. Raises ------ ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ClientError or ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ServerError :ref:`Spurious exception <network_exceptions>` that can occur during a network request. """ if (not id and not name) or (id and name): raise TypeError("Must specify exactly one of id or name parameters") if not id: id = f"{storage_type}/{Blob.namespace_id(namespace)}/{name}" return super(cls, Blob).get(id, client=client)
[docs] @classmethod def get_or_create( cls, id=None, storage_type=StorageType.DATA, namespace=None, name=None, client=None, **kwargs, ): """Get an existing object from the Descartes Labs catalog or create a new object. If the Descartes Labs catalog object is found, and the remainder of the arguments do not differ from the values in the retrieved instance, it will be returned in the `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.SAVED` state. If the Descartes Labs catalog object is found, and the remainder of the arguments update one or more values in the instance, it will be returned in the `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.MODIFIED` state. If the Descartes Labs catalog object is not found, it will be created and the state will be `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.UNSAVED`. Also see the example for :py:meth:`save`. Parameters ---------- id : str, optional The id of the object you are requesting. Required unless ``name`` is supplied. May not be specified if ``name`` is specified. storage_type : StorageType, optional The storage type of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Defaults to ``data``. Ignored unless ``name`` is specified. namespace : str, optional The namespace of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Defaults to the user's org name (if any) plus the unique user hash. Ignored unless ``name`` is specified. name : str, optional The name of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Required if ``id`` is not specified. May not be specified if ``id`` is specified. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. kwargs : dict, optional With the exception of readonly attributes (`created`, `modified`), any attribute of a catalog object can be set as a keyword argument (Also see `ATTRIBUTES`). Returns ------- :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogObject` The requested catalog object that was retrieved or created. """ if (not id and not name) or (id and name): raise TypeError("Must specify exactly one of id or name parameters") if not id: id = f"{storage_type}/{Blob.namespace_id(namespace)}/{name}" return super(cls, Blob).get_or_create(id, client=client, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def search(cls, client=None, request_params=None): """A search query for all blobs. Return an `~descarteslabs.catalog.BlobSearch` instance for searching blobs in the Descartes Labs catalog. This instance extends the :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Search` class with the :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.BlobSearch.summary` and :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.BlobSearch.summary_interval` methods which return summary statistics about the blobs that match the search query. Parameters ---------- client : :class:`CatalogClient`, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. Returns ------- :class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.BlobSearch` An instance of the `~descarteslabs.catalog.BlobSearch` class Example ------- >>> from descarteslabs.catalog import Blob >>> search = >>> for result in search: # doctest: +SKIP ... print( # doctest: +SKIP """ return BlobSearch(cls, client=client, request_params=request_params)
[docs] @check_deleted def upload(self, file): """Uploads storage blob from a file. Uploads data from a file and creates the Blob. The Blob must be in the state `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.UNSAVED`. The `storage_state`, `storage_type`, `namespace`, and the `name` attributes, must all be set. If either the `size_bytes` and the `hash` attributes are set, they must agree with the actual file to be uploaded, and will be validated during the upload process. On return, the Blob object will be updated to reflect the full state of the new blob. Parameters ---------- file : str or io.IOBase File or files to be uploaded. Can be string with path to the file in the local filesystem, or a file-like object (``io.IOBase``). If a file like object and already open, must be binary mode and readable. Open file-like objects remain open on return and must be closed by the caller. Returns ------- Blob The uploaded instance. Raises ------ ValueError If any improper arguments are supplied. DeletedObjectError If this blob was deleted. """ self.namespace = self.__class__.namespace_id(self.namespace) if not raise ValueError("name field required") if not self.storage_state: self.storage_state = StorageState.AVAILABLE if not self.storage_type: self.storage_type = StorageType.DATA if self.state != DocumentState.UNSAVED: raise ValueError( "Blob {} has been saved. Please use an unsaved blob for uploading".format( ) ) if isinstance(file, str): file =, "rb") close = True elif isinstance(file, io.IOBase): close = file.closed if close: file =, "rb") elif not file.readable() or "b" not in file.mode: raise ValueError("Invalid file is open but not readable or binary mode") else: raise ValueError("Invalid file value: must be string or IOBase") try: return self._do_upload(file) finally: if close: file.close()
[docs] @check_deleted def upload_data(self, data): """Uploads storage blob from a bytes or str. Uploads data from a string or bytes and creates the Blob. The Blob must be in the state `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.UNSAVED`. The `storage_state`, `storage_type`, `namespace`, and the `name` attributes, must all be set. If either the `size_bytes` and the `hash` attributes are set, they must agree with the actual data to be uploaded, and will be validated during the upload process. On return, the Blob object will be updated to reflect the full state of the new blob. Parameters ---------- data : str or bytes Data to be uploaded. A str will be default encoded to bytes. Returns ------- Blob The uploaded instance. Raises ------ ValueError If any improper arguments are supplied. DeletedObjectError If this blob was deleted. """ self.namespace = self.__class__.namespace_id(self.namespace) if not raise ValueError("name field required") if not self.storage_state: self.storage_state = StorageState.AVAILABLE if not self.storage_type: self.storage_type = StorageType.DATA if self.state != DocumentState.UNSAVED: raise ValueError( "Blob {} has been saved. Please use an unsaved blob for uploading".format( ) ) if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode() elif not isinstance(data, bytes): raise ValueError("Invalid data value: must be string or bytes") return self._do_upload(data)
# the upload implementation is broken out so it can be used from multiple methods def _do_upload(self, src): # import here for circular dependency from .blob_upload import BlobUpload # Request an upload url upload = BlobUpload(client=self._client, storage=self) headers = {} headers["content-type"] = "application/octet-stream" if headers["content-length"] = str( # This should work but it doesn't. The header must be the base64 # encoding of the 16 binary MD5 checksum bytes. But the value # that is is checked against by S3 is the hex-ified version of the # 16 binary bytes. So even though they mean the same thing, # they miscompare at S3 and the file upload fails. # if # headers["content-md5"] = # do the upload self._url_client.session.put(upload.resumable_url, data=src, headers=headers) # save the blob{"upload_signature": upload.signature}) # replenish our state, like reload but no need to go to server. # this will effectively wipe all current state & caching. self._initialize( saved=True, **, ) return self
[docs] @check_deleted def download(self, file, range=None): """Downloads storage blob to a file. Downloads data from the blob to a file. The Blob must be in the state `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.SAVED`. Parameters ---------- file : str or io.IOBase Where to write the downloaded blob. Can be string with path to the file in the local filesystem, or an file opened for writing (``io.IOBase``). If a file like object and already open, must be binary mode and writable. Open file-like objects remain open on return and must be closed by the caller. range : str or list, optional Range(s) of blob to be downloaded. Can either be a string in the standard HTTP Range header format (e.g. "bytes=0-99"), or a list or tuple containing one or two integers (e.g. ``(0, 99)``), or a list or tuple of the same (e.g. ``((0, 99), (200-299))``). A list or tuple of one integer implies no upper bound; in this case the integer can be negative, indicating the count back from the end of the blob. Returns ------- str The name of the downloaded file. Raises ------ ValueError If any improper arguments are supplied. DeletedObjectError If this blob was deleted. """ if self.state != DocumentState.SAVED: raise ValueError("Blob {} has not been saved".format( if isinstance(file, str): file =, "wb") elif isinstance(file, io.IOBase): close = file.closed if close: file =, "wb") elif not file.writable() or "b" not in file.mode: raise ValueError("Invalid file is open but not writable or binary mode") else: raise ValueError("Invalid file value: must be string or IOBase") return self._do_download(dest=file, range=range)
[docs] @check_deleted def data(self, range=None): """Downloads storage blob data. Downloads data from the blob and returns as a bytes object. The Blob must be in the state `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.SAVED`. Parameters ---------- range : str or list, optional Range(s) of blob to be downloaded. Can either be a string in the standard HTTP Range header format (e.g. "bytes=0-99"), or a list or tuple containing one or two integers (e.g. ``(0, 99)``), or a list or tuple of the same (e.g. ``((0, 99), (200-299))``). A list or tuple of one integer implies no upper bound; in this case the integer can be negative, indicating the count back from the end of the blob. Returns ------- bytes The data retrieved from the Blob. Raises ------ ValueError If any improper arguments are supplied. DeletedObjectError If this blob was deleted. """ if self.state != DocumentState.SAVED: raise ValueError("Blob {} has not been saved".format( return self._do_download(range=range)
[docs] @check_deleted def iter_data(self, chunk_size=None, range=None): """Downloads storage blob data. Downloads data from the blob and returns as an iterator (generator) which will yield the data (as a bytes) in chunks. This enables the processing of very large files. The Blob must be in the state `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.SAVED`. Parameters ---------- chunk_size : int, optional Size of chunks over which to iterate. Default is whatever size chunks are received. range : str or list, optional Range(s) of blob to be downloaded. Can either be a string in the standard HTTP Range header format (e.g. "bytes=0-99"), or a list or tuple containing one or two integers (e.g. ``(0, 99)``), or a list or tuple of the same (e.g. ``((0, 99), (200-299))``). A list or tuple of one integer implies no upper bound; in this case the integer can be negative, indicating the count back from the end of the blob. Returns ------- generator An iterator over the blob data. Raises ------ ValueError If any improper arguments are supplied. DeletedObjectError If this blob was deleted. """ if self.state != DocumentState.SAVED: raise ValueError("Blob {} has not been saved".format( def generator(response): try: yield from response.iter_content(chunk_size) finally: response.close() return self._do_download(dest=generator, range=range)
[docs] @check_deleted def iter_lines(self, decode_unicode=False, delimiter=None): """Downloads storage blob data. Downloads data from the blob and returns as an iterator (generator) which will yield the data as text lines. This enables the processing of very large files. The Blob must be in the state `~descarteslabs.catalog.DocumentState.SAVED`. The data within the blob must represent encoded text. .. note:: This method is not reentrant safe. Parameters ---------- decode_unicode : bool, optional If true, then decode unicode in the incoming data and return strings. Default is to return bytes. delimiter : str or byte, optional Delimiter for lines. Type depends on setting of `decode_unicode`. Default is to use default line break sequence. Returns ------- generator An iterator over the blob byte or text lines, depending on value of `decode_unicode`. Raises ------ ValueError If any improper arguments are supplied. DeletedObjectError If this blob was deleted. """ if self.state != DocumentState.SAVED: raise ValueError("Blob {} has not been saved".format( def generator(response): if decode_unicode: # response will always claim to be application/octet-stream response.encoding = "utf-8" try: yield from response.iter_lines( decode_unicode=decode_unicode, delimiter=delimiter ) finally: response.close() return self._do_download(dest=generator)
[docs] @classmethod def get_data( cls, id=None, storage_type=StorageType.DATA, namespace=None, name=None, client=None, range=None, stream=False, chunk_size=None, ): """Downloads storage blob data. Downloads data for a given blob id and returns as a bytes object. Parameters ---------- id : str, optional The id of the object you are requesting. Required unless ``name`` is supplied. May not be specified if ``name`` is specified. storage_type : StorageType, optional The storage type of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Defaults to ``data``. Ignored unless ``name`` is specified. namespace : str, optional The namespace of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Defaults to the user's org name (if any) plus the unique user hash. Ignored unless ``name`` is specified. name : str, optional The name of the Blob you wish to retrieve. Required if ``id`` is not specified. May not be specified if ``id`` is specified. client : Client, optional Client instance. If not given, the default client will be used. range : str or list, optional Range(s) of blob to be downloaded. Can either be a string in the standard HTTP Range header format (e.g. "bytes=0-99"), or a list or tuple containing one or two integers (e.g. ``(0, 99)``), or a list or tuple of the same (e.g. ``((0, 99), (200-299))``). A list or tuple of one integer implies no upper bound; in this case the integer can be negative, indicating the count back from the end of the blob. stream : bool, optional If True, return a generator that will yield the data in chunks. Defaults to False. chunk_size : int, optional If stream is True, the size of chunks over which to stream. Default is whatever chunks are received on the wire. Returns ------- bytes or generator The data retrieved from the Blob. If stream is True, returned as an iterator (generator) which will yeild the data in chunks. Raises ------ ValueError If any improper arguments are supplied. NotFoundError If the Blob does not exist. DeletedObjectError If this blob was deleted. """ if (not id and not name) or (id and name): raise TypeError("Must specify exactly one of id or name parameters") if not id: id = f"{storage_type}/{cls.namespace_id(namespace)}/{name}" dest = None if stream: def generator(response): try: yield from response.iter_content(chunk_size) finally: response.close() dest = generator return cls(id=id, client=client)._do_download(dest=dest, range=range)
[docs] @classmethod def delete_many( cls, ids, raise_on_missing=False, wait_for_completion=False, client=None ): """Delete many blobs from the Descartes Labs catalog. Only those blobs that exist and are owned by the user will be deleted. No errors will be raised for blobs that do not exist or are visible but not owned by the user. If you need to know, compare the supplied list of ids with the returned list of deleted ids. All blobs to be deleted must belong to the same purchase. Parameters ---------- ids : list(str) A list of blob ids to delete. raise_on_missing : bool, optional If True, raise an exception if any of the blobs are not found, otherwise ignore missing blobs. Defaults to False. wait_for_completion : bool, optional If True, wait for the deletion to complete before returning. Defaults to False. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. Returns ------- list(str) A list of the ids of the blobs that were successfully deleted. Raises ------ ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ClientError or ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ServerError :ref:`Spurious exception <network_exceptions>` that can occur during a network request. """ if client is None: client = CatalogClient.get_default_client() task_status = BlobDeletionTaskStatus.create( ids=ids, raise_on_missing=raise_on_missing, client=client ) if wait_for_completion: task_status.wait_for_completion() return task_status.ids
def _do_download(self, dest=None, range=None): download = BlobDownload.get(, client=self._client) # BlobDownload.get() returns None if the blob does not exist # raise a NotFoundError in this case if not download: raise NotFoundError("Blob {} does not exist".format( headers = {} if self.hash: headers["if-match"] = self.hash if range: if isinstance(range, str): range_str = range elif isinstance(range, (list, tuple)) and all( map(lambda x: isinstance(x, int), range) ): if len(range) == 1: range_str = f"bytes={range[0]}" elif len(range) == 2: range_str = f"bytes={range[0]}-{range[1]}" else: raise ValueError("invalid range value") else: raise ValueError("invalid range value") headers["range"] = range_str r = self._url_client.session.get( download.resumable_url, headers=headers, stream=True ) r.raise_for_status() if callable(dest): # generator will close response return dest(r) else: try: if dest is None: return else: for chunk in r.iter_content(1048576): dest.write(chunk) return finally: r.close()
[docs] @classmethod @check_derived def delete(cls, id, client=None): """Delete the catalog object with the given `id`. Parameters ---------- id : str The id of the object to be deleted. client : CatalogClient, optional A `CatalogClient` instance to use for requests to the Descartes Labs catalog. The :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.CatalogClient.get_default_client` will be used if not set. Returns ------- BlobDeletionTaskStatus The status of the deletion task which can be used to wait for completion. ``None`` if the object was not found. Raises ------ ConflictError If the object has related objects (bands, images) that exist. ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ClientError or ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ServerError :ref:`Spurious exception <network_exceptions>` that can occur during a network request. Example ------- >>> Image.delete('my-image-id') # doctest: +SKIP """ if client is None: client = CatalogClient.get_default_client() try: return BlobDeletionTaskStatus.create( ids=[id], raise_on_missing=True, client=client ) except NotFoundError: return None
@check_deleted def _instance_delete(self): """Delete this catalog object from the Descartes Labs catalog. Once deleted, you cannot use the catalog object and should release any references. Returns ------- BlobDeletionTaskStatus The status of the deletion task which can be used to wait for completion. Raises ------ DeletedObjectError If this catalog object was already deleted. UnsavedObjectError If this catalog object is being deleted without having been saved. ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ClientError or ~descarteslabs.exceptions.ServerError :ref:`Spurious exception <network_exceptions>` that can occur during a network request. """ if self.state == DocumentState.UNSAVED: raise UnsavedObjectError("You cannot delete an unsaved object.") task_status = BlobDeletionTaskStatus.create( ids=[], raise_on_missing=True, client=self._client ) self._deleted = True # non-200 will raise an exception return task_status
[docs]class BlobCollection(Collection): _item_type = Blob
# handle circular references Blob._collection_type = BlobCollection
[docs]class BlobDeletionTaskStatus(TaskStatus): """The asynchronous deletion task's status Attributes ---------- id : str The id of the object for which this task is running. status : TaskState The state of the task as explained in `TaskState`. start_datetime : datetime The date and time at which the task started running. duration_in_seconds : float The duration of the task. objects_deleted : int The number of objects (a combination of bands or images) that were deleted. errors : list In case the status is ``FAILED`` this will contain a list of errors that were encountered. In all other states this will not be set. ids : list The ids of the objects that were deleted. """ _task_name = "delete task" _url = "/storage/delete/{}" def __init__(self, objects_deleted=None, ids=None, **kwargs): super(BlobDeletionTaskStatus, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.objects_deleted = objects_deleted self.ids = ids
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, ids, raise_on_missing, client): # TaskStatus objects are not catalog objects so we need to do this manually response = "/storage/delete", json={ "data": { "attributes": { "ids": ids, "raise_on_missing": raise_on_missing, }, "type": "storage_delete", } }, ) if response.status_code == 201: data = response.json()["data"] return BlobDeletionTaskStatus( id=data["id"], _client=client, **data["attributes"] ) else: return None
def __repr__(self): text = super(BlobDeletionTaskStatus, self).__repr__() if self.objects_deleted: text += "\n - {:,} objects deleted".format(self.objects_deleted) return text