Source code for descarteslabs.catalog.attributes

# Copyright 2018-2023 Descartes Labs.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numbers
import re

from import Iterable, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

from strenum import StrEnum
from pytz import utc

from ..common.shapely_support import (

def parse_iso_datetime(date_str):
        # Metadata timestamps allow nanoseconds, but python only allows up to
        # microseconds...  Not rounding; just truncating (for better or worse)
        if len(date_str) > 27:  # len(YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmZ) == 27
            date_str = date_str[0:26] + date_str[-1]
        date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
        return date.replace(tzinfo=utc)
    except ValueError:
        # it's possible that a utc formatted time string from the server won't have
        # a fractional seconds component
        date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        return date.replace(tzinfo=utc)

def serialize_datetime(value):
    """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type.

    See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`.
    return datetime.isoformat(value) if isinstance(value, datetime) else value

[docs]class AttributeValidationError(ValueError): """There was a problem validating the corresponding attribute. This exception indicates that the attribute value may have been required, may be incorrect, or cannot be serialized. """ pass
[docs]class DocumentState(StrEnum): """The state of the catalog object. Attributes ---------- UNSAVED : enum The catalog object was never synchronized with the Descartes Labs catalog. All values are considered modified and saving the catalog object will create the corresponding object in the Descartes Labs catalog. MODIFIED : enum The catalog object was synchronized with the Descartes Labs catalog (using :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Product.get` or :py:meth:``), but at least one attribute value has since been changed. You can :py:meth:`` a modified catalog object to update the object in the Descartes Labs catalog. Note that assigning an identical value does not change the state. SAVED : enum The catalog object has been fully synchronized with the Descartes Labs catalog (using :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Product.get` or :py:meth:``). DELETED : enum The catalog object has been deleted from the Descartes Labs catalog. Many operations cannot be performed on ``DELETED`` objects. Note ---- A ``SAVED`` catalog object can still be out-of-date with respect to the Descartes Labs catalog if there was an update from another client since the last sycnronization. To re-synchronize a ``SAVED`` catalog object you can use :py:meth:`~descarteslabs.catalog.Product.reload`. """ SAVED = "saved" MODIFIED = "modified" UNSAVED = "unsaved" DELETED = "deleted"
[docs]class StorageState(StrEnum): """The storage state for an image or blob. Attributes ---------- AVAILABLE : enum The data has been uploaded and can be retrieved or rastered. REMOTE : enum The data is has not been uploaded, but its location is known. """ AVAILABLE = "available" REMOTE = "remote"
class Attribute(object): """A description of an attribute as received from the Descartes Labs catalog or set by the end-user. Changing the value of an attribute will set the corresponding CatalogObject to modified. Parameters ---------- mutable : bool Whether this attribute can be changed. Set to ``True`` by default. If set to ``False``, the attribute can be set once and after that can only be set with the same value. If set with a different value, an `AttributeValidationError` will be raised. serializable : bool Whether this attribute will be included during serialization. Set to ``True`` by default. If set to ``False``, the attribute will be skipped during serialization. sticky : bool Whether this attribute will be cleared when new attribute values are loaded from the Descartes Labs catalog. Set to ``False`` by default. This is used specifically for attributes that are only deserialised on the Descartes Labs catalog (`load_only`). These attributes will never appear in the data from the Descartes Labs catalog, and to allow them to persist you can set the _sticky parameter to True. readonly : bool Whether this attribute can be set. Set to ``False`` by default. If set to ``True``, the attribute can never be set and will raise an `AttributeValidationError` it set. """ _PARAM_MUTABLE = "mutable" _PARAM_SERIALIZABLE = "serializable" _PARAM_STICKY = "sticky" _PARAM_READONLY = "readonly" _PARAM_DOC = "doc" def __init__( self, mutable=True, serializable=True, sticky=False, readonly=False, doc=None ): self._mutable = mutable self._serializable = serializable self._sticky = sticky self._readonly = readonly if doc is not None: self.__doc__ = doc def __get__(self, obj, objtype): """Gets the value for this attribute on the given object.""" if obj is None: # Class attribute; different from the actual value! return self return obj._attributes.get(self._attribute_name) def __set__(self, obj, value, validate=True): """Sets the value for this attribute on the given object. Sets a value for this attribute on the given model object at the given attribute name, deserializing it if necessary. Optionally indicates whether the data should be validated. Parameters ---------- obj : object The `CatalogObject` on which to set the value. value : object The value to set on the given `CatalogObject`. The value will be deserialized before being set. validate : bool Whether or not to check whether the value is allowed to be set and to validate the value itself. ``True`` by default. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError When `validate` is ``True``, and the attribute cannot be assigned to (readonly or immutable) or the value is invalid. """ if validate: self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("set", obj) value = self.deserialize(value, validate) changed = not ( self._attribute_name in obj._attributes and obj._attributes[self._attribute_name] == value ) # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed obj._set_modified(self._attribute_name, changed, validate) obj._attributes[self._attribute_name] = value def __delete__(self, obj, validate=True): if validate: self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("delete", obj) obj._attributes.pop(self._attribute_name, None) def _get_attr_params(self, **extra_params): # We don't need _PARAM_DOC params = { self._PARAM_MUTABLE: self._mutable, self._PARAM_SERIALIZABLE: self._serializable, self._PARAM_STICKY: self._sticky, self._PARAM_READONLY: self._readonly, } if extra_params is not None: params.update(extra_params) return params def _raise_if_immutable_or_readonly(self, operation, obj=None): if self._readonly: raise AttributeValidationError( "Can't {} '{}' item because it is a readonly attribute".format( operation, self._attribute_name ) ) if not self._mutable and ( obj is None or self._attribute_name in obj._attributes ): raise AttributeValidationError( "Can't {} '{}' item because it is an immutable attribute".format( operation, self._attribute_name ) ) def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. Serializes a value for this attribute to a value that can be serialized to a JSONAPI representation fit to send to the Descartes Labs catalog. Parameters ---------- value : object Any Python object. jsonapi_format : bool Whether or not to prepend the attributes with a JSONAPI block. ``False`` by default. This is only relevant for top-level catalog objects which may be embedded as attributes. Returns ------- object Any Python object. """ return value def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. Deserializes a value for this attribute from a plain python type, possibly generated through JSONAPI deserialization as it comes from the Descartes Labs catalog. Optionally indicates whether the data should be validated. Parameters ---------- value : object Any Python object validate : bool Whether or not the value should be validated. This value is ``True`` be default, and this method can raise an `AttributeValidationError` in that case. Returns ------- object Any Python object. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError When `validate` is ``True`` and a validation error was encountered. """ return value class TypedAttribute(Attribute): """The value of the attribute is checked against the given type. Parameters ---------- attribute_type : type The type of the attribute. coerce : bool, optional Whether a non-conforming value should be coerced to that type. ``False`` by default. **kwargs : optional See `Attribute`. """ def __init__(self, attribute_type, coerce=False, **kwargs): super(TypedAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.attribute_type = attribute_type self.coerce = coerce def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. Deserializes a value for this attribute from a plain python type, possibly generated through JSONAPI deserialization as it comes from the Descartes Labs catalog. Optionally indicates whether the data should be validated. Parameters ---------- value : object Any Python object validate : bool Whether or not the value should be validated. This value is ``True`` by default, and this method can raise an `AttributeValidationError` in that case. Returns ------- object Any Python object. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError When `validate` is ``True`` and a validation error was encountered. """ if validate: value = self.validate_value(value) return super(TypedAttribute, self).deserialize(value, validate=validate) def __set__(self, obj, value, validate=True): """Assign the given value to the attribute. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If a coercion failed or if the value is not of the given type. """ if validate: value = self.validate_value(value) super(TypedAttribute, self).__set__(obj, value, validate) def validate_value(self, value): if self.attribute_type and value is not None: if self.coerce: try: value = self.attribute_type(value) except ValueError as e: raise AttributeValidationError(e) elif not isinstance(value, self.attribute_type): raise AttributeValidationError( "The attribute type is {} for {}".format( self.attribute_type, self._attribute_name ) ) return value class CatalogObjectReference(Attribute): """A reference to another CatalogObject. An attribute that holds another CatalogObject, referenced by id through another attribute that by convention should be the name of this attribute plus the suffix "_id". Parameters ---------- reference_class : CatalogObject The class for the CatalogObject instance that this attribute will hold a reference to. require_unsaved : bool, optional If ``True``, the referenced CatalogObject instance must be in the `UNSAVED` state when assigned. If ``False``, then the referenced CatalogOjbect must not be in the `UNSAVED` state. ``False`` by default. **kwargs : optional See `Attribute`. """ def __init__(self, reference_class, require_unsaved=False, **kwargs): # Serializable defaults to `False` for reference objects kwargs[self._PARAM_SERIALIZABLE] = kwargs.pop(self._PARAM_SERIALIZABLE, False) super(CatalogObjectReference, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.reference_class = reference_class self._require_unsaved = require_unsaved def __get__(self, obj, objtype): """Gets the value for this attribute on the given object. Access the referenced object by looking it up in related objects or else on the Descartes Labs catalog. Values are cached until this attribute or the corresponding id field are modified. """ if obj is None: return super(CatalogObjectReference, self).__get__(obj, objtype) cached_value = obj._attributes.get(self._attribute_name) reference_id = getattr(obj, self.id_field) if cached_value and == reference_id: return cached_value if reference_id: new_value = self.reference_class.get(reference_id, client=obj._client) else: new_value = None obj._attributes[self._attribute_name] = new_value return new_value def __set__(self, obj, value, validate=True): """Sets the value for this attribute on the given object. See :meth:`Attribute.__set__`. Sets a new referenced object. Must be a saved object of the correct type. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If the given reference is not a CatalogObject reference, or the referred-to instance is `DocumentState.UNSAVED` and `require_unsaved` is ``False``, or the referred-to instance not in `DocumentState.UNSAVED` and `require_unsaved` is ``True`` """ if validate: self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("set", obj) value = self.deserialize(value, validate=validate) if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, self.reference_class): raise AttributeValidationError( "Expected {} instance for attribute '{}' but got '{}'".format( self.reference_class.__name__, self._attribute_name, value ) ) if not self._require_unsaved and value.state == DocumentState.UNSAVED: raise AttributeValidationError( "Can't assign unsaved related object to '{}'. Save it first.".format( self._attribute_name ) ) elif self._require_unsaved and value.state != DocumentState.UNSAVED: raise AttributeValidationError( "Can't assign saved related object to '{}'. Use a new unsaved object.".format( self._attribute_name ) ) changed = not ( self._attribute_name in obj._attributes and obj._attributes[self._attribute_name] == value ) # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed obj._set_modified(self._attribute_name, changed, validate) obj._attributes[self._attribute_name] = value # Jam in the `id` obj._set_modified(self.id_field, changed, validate=False) obj._attributes[self.id_field] = None if value is None else @property def id_field(self): return "{}_id".format(self._attribute_name) def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ if hasattr(value, "serialize"): return value.serialize(modified_only=False, jsonapi_format=jsonapi_format) else: return value def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. Deserializes a value for this attribute from a plain python type, possibly generated through JSONAPI deserialization as it comes from the Descartes Labs catalog. Optionally indicates whether the data should be validated. Parameters ---------- value : object Any Python object validate : bool Whether or not the value should be validated. This value is ``True`` by default, and this method can raise an `AttributeValidationError` in that case. Returns ------- object Any Python object. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError When `validate` is ``True`` and a validation error was encountered. """ if isinstance(value, self.reference_class): return value if ( type(value) is not dict or "data" not in value or "attributes" not in value["data"] ): raise AttributeValidationError( "A CatalogObjectResource expects a {} or a JSONApi Resource object: {}".format( self.reference_class.__name__, self._attribute_name, ) ) if value["data"]["type"] != self.reference_class._doc_type: raise AttributeValidationError( "CatalogObjectResource expects a doc type of {} but received {}: {}".format( self.reference_class._doc_type, value["type"], self._attribute_name, ) ) # Note that the JSONAPI spec doesn't really allow nested resources. As such, we simply # do not allow relationships at this level. if "links" in value or "relationships" in value: raise AttributeValidationError( "A CatalogObjectResource does not support links or relationships: {}".format( self._attribute_name, ) ) # we force unsaved state, as that is the only current use case, and because # if it were a proper resource, it would have to be treated as a related object. return self.reference_class( _saved=False, id=value["data"].get("id"), **value["data"]["attributes"] ) class Timestamp(Attribute): """A datetime backed timestamp. No validation is done.""" def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ return serialize_datetime(value) def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Returns ------- datetime or str Any Python object if `validate` is ``True``, otherwise a `datetime` instance representing the timestamp, typically in UTC. """ if value is None or validate: # In this case `validate` is a misnomer because we do not want to validate # or deserialize datetimes set by the user on the client. # Validation and timestamp parsing happens on the server. return value elif isinstance(value, datetime): if value.tzinfo is None: return value.replace(tzinfo=utc) else: return value else: try: return parse_iso_datetime(value) except ValueError: # Not sure what's going on, but since this came from the service, # don't raise an exception... return value class EnumAttribute(Attribute): """An attribute backed by an enumeration. Parameters ---------- enum : enum The enumeration that the value must confirm to. **kwargs : optional See `Attribute`. """ def __init__(self, enum, **kwargs): super(EnumAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) if not issubclass(enum, StrEnum) and ( not issubclass(enum, str) or not issubclass(enum, Enum) ): raise TypeError( "EnumAttribute expects a 'StrEnum' or a 'str' and 'Enum' mixin" ) self._enum_cls = enum def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ if type(value) is self._enum_cls: return value.value else: return value def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Returns ------- str A string representing the enum value. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError When a non-enum value is given. """ if validate: # Validate that the value is allowed, but don't return the Enum instance try: return self._enum_cls(value).value except ValueError as e: raise AttributeValidationError(e) else: # No validation; allow values outside the enum range return value class GeometryAttribute(Attribute): """An attribute that holds a geometry. Accepts geometry in a geojson-like format and always represents them as a shapely shape. """ def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ return shapely_to_geojson(value) def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Returns ------- shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry A shapely instance. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError When the given value cannot be coerced into a geometry. """ if value is None: return value else: try: return geometry_like_to_shapely(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex: raise AttributeValidationError(ex) class BooleanAttribute(Attribute): """An attribute with a boolean value. Exactly like the Python bool.""" def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ return bool(value) def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Returns ------- bool The boolean value. Note that any non-empty string, include "False" will return ``True``. """ return bool(value) class AttributeEqualityMixin(object): """Tests for equality and inequality. A mixin that defines equality for classes that have an Attribute dictionary property at `_attribute_types` and the values dictionary at `_attributes`. Equality is defined as equality of all serializable attributes in serialized form. """ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False for name, attribute_type in self._attribute_types.items(): if not attribute_type._serializable: continue if attribute_type.serialize( self._attributes.get(name) ) != attribute_type.serialize(other._attributes.get(name)): return False return True class ModelAttribute(Attribute): """A class that allows for models to be registered and updated. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : optional See `Attribute`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._model_objects = {} super(ModelAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __set__(self, obj, value, validate=True): """Sets the value for this attribute on the given object. See :meth:`Attribute.__set__`. This will also register the model with the given `ModelAttribute` instance value and deregister the model from the old `ModelAttribute` instance value. Parameters ---------- value : ModelAttribute or object The value will be deserialized to a `ModelAttribute`. """ if validate: self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("set", obj) value = self.deserialize(value, validate=validate) previous_value = obj._attributes.get(self._attribute_name, None) changed = not ( self._attribute_name in obj._attributes and previous_value == value ) # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed obj._set_modified(self._attribute_name, changed, validate) # deregister the previous value and register the new one if previous_value is not None: previous_value._remove_model_object(obj) if value is not None: value._add_model_object(obj, self._attribute_name) obj._attributes[self._attribute_name] = value def __delete__(self, obj, validate=True): """Delete the value for this attribute on the given object. It will remove the reference to the old value. """ if validate: self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("delete", obj) previous_value = obj._attributes.pop(self._attribute_name, None) if previous_value is not None: previous_value._remove_model_object(obj) def _add_model_object(self, model, attr_name=None): """Register a model and attribute name. Since we can reuse one ModelAttribute object across different model object types, each with potentially different attribute names, we register the name of the attribute on the specific model object, to avoid propagating bad changes. Parameters ---------- model : CatalogObject The model to add to the registered models for this value instance. attr_name : str The name of the attribute in this model that this value belongs to. """ id_ = id(model) self._model_objects[id_] = (model, attr_name) def _remove_model_object(self, model): """Deregister a model. Parameters ---------- model : CatalogObject The model to remove from the registered models for this instance. """ id_ = id(model) self._model_objects.pop(id_, None) def _set_modified(self, attr_name=None, changed=True, validate=True): """Verify change on all the referenced model objects and trigger modification. The model can reject this change by raising an `AttributeValidationError` if validate is ``True``. If the new value is identical to the old value, the modification is **not** triggered (and changed will be ``False``). Parameters ---------- attr_name : str The name of the attribute. ``None`` by default. Note that the attr_name argument is ignored because of the chaining. changed : bool Whether or not the actual value changed. ``True`` by default. validate : bool Whether or not to verify that the value can be assigned. ``True`` by default. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError When `validate` is ``True`` and the attribute cannot be assigned to. """ for model_object, attr_name in self._model_objects.values(): model_object._set_modified(attr_name, changed, validate) class AttributeMeta(type): """Apply the class attribute instances to the instance.""" _KEY_ATTR_TYPES = "_attribute_types" _KEY_REF_ATTR_TYPES = "_reference_attribute_types" _KEY_V1_PROPERTIES = "v1_properties" def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): types = {} references = {} # Register all declared attributes for attr_name, attr_type in attrs.items(): if isinstance(attr_type, Attribute): types[attr_name] = attr_type if isinstance(attr_type, CatalogObjectReference): references[attr_name] = attr_type # Register this attribute's name with the instance attr_type._attribute_name = attr_name # inherit attributes from base classes for b in bases: if hasattr(b, AttributeMeta._KEY_ATTR_TYPES): for attr_name, attr_type in b._attribute_types.items(): # Don't overwrite existing attrs if attr_name not in types: types[attr_name] = attr_type if "_no_inherit" not in attrs or not attrs["_no_inherit"]: # Add base attributes for documentation # (sphinx doesn't inherit attrs) attrs[attr_name] = attr_type if hasattr(b, AttributeMeta._KEY_REF_ATTR_TYPES): for attr_name, attr_type in b._reference_attribute_types.items(): # Don't overwrite existing reference attrs if attr_name not in references: references[attr_name] = attr_type attrs["ATTRIBUTES"] = tuple( k for k in types.keys() if k != AttributeMeta._KEY_V1_PROPERTIES ) attrs[AttributeMeta._KEY_ATTR_TYPES] = types attrs[AttributeMeta._KEY_REF_ATTR_TYPES] = references return super(AttributeMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) class MappingAttribute(ModelAttribute, AttributeEqualityMixin, metaclass=AttributeMeta): """Base class for attributes that are mapping types. Can be set using a mapping, or an instance of a MappingAttribute derived type. MappingAttributes differ from other Attribute subclasses in a few key respects: - MappingAttribute shouldn't ever be instantiated directly, but subclassed and the subclass should be instantiated - MappingAttribute subclasses have two "modes": they are instantiated on classes directly, just like the other Attribute types they're also instantiated directly and used in value assignments. - MappingAttribute subclasses keep track of their own state, rather than delegating this to the model object they're attached to. This allows these objects to be instantiated directly without being attached to a model object, and it allows a single instance to be attached to multiple model objects. Since they track their own state, the model objects they're attached to retain references to instances in their _attributes, like with other type (e.g. datetime). Parameters ---------- **kwargs : optional See `Attribute`. Examples -------- The first way MappingAttributes are used is just like other attributes, they are instantiated as part of a class definition, and the instance is cached on the class. The other way mapping attributes are used is but instantiating a new instance and assigning that instance to a model object. >>> from descarteslabs.catalog.attributes import ( ... MappingAttribute, ... Attribute, ... ) >>> from descarteslabs.catalog import CatalogObject >>> class MyMapping(MappingAttribute): ... foo = Attribute() >>> class ExampleCatalogObject(CatalogObject): ... map_attr = MyMapping() >>> my_map = MyMapping(foo="bar") >>> obj1 = ExampleCatalogObject(map_attr=my_map) >>> obj2 = ExampleCatalogObject(map_attr=my_map) >>> assert obj1.map_attr is obj2.map_attr is my_map >>> = "baz" >>> assert obj1.is_modified >>> assert obj2.is_modified """ # this value is ONLY used for for instances of the attribute that # are attached to class definitions. It's confusing to put this # instantiation into __init__, because the value is only ever set # from AttributeMeta.__new__, after it's already been instantiated _attribute_name = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._attributes = {} attr_params = { self._PARAM_MUTABLE: kwargs.pop(self._PARAM_MUTABLE, True), self._PARAM_SERIALIZABLE: kwargs.pop(self._PARAM_SERIALIZABLE, True), self._PARAM_STICKY: kwargs.pop(self._PARAM_STICKY, False), self._PARAM_READONLY: kwargs.pop(self._PARAM_READONLY, False), self._PARAM_DOC: kwargs.pop(self._PARAM_DOC, None), } super(MappingAttribute, self).__init__(**attr_params) validate = kwargs.pop("validate", True) for attr_name, value in kwargs.items(): attr = ( self.get_attribute_type(attr_name) if validate else self._attribute_types.get(attr_name) ) if attr is not None: attr.__set__(self, value, validate=validate) def __repr__(self): """A string representation for the instance. The representation is broken up over multiple lines for readability. """ sections = ["{}:".format(self.__class__.__name__)] for key, val in sorted(self._attributes.items()): val_sections = [" " + v for v in repr(val).split("\n")] val = "\n".join(val_sections).strip() if len(val_sections) > 1 else val sections.append(" {}: {}".format(key, val)) return "\n".join(sections) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set the value on the given attribute. Check that the attribute exists (unless it's a private attribute starting with ``_``) before setting the value. """ if not name.startswith("_"): # Make sure it's a proper attribute self.get_attribute_type(name) super(MappingAttribute, self).__setattr__(name, value) def get_attribute_type(self, name): """Get the type definition for an attribute by name.""" try: return self._attribute_types[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError( "{} has no attribute {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, name) ) def serialize(self, attrs, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ if attrs is None: return None if isinstance(attrs, MappingAttribute): # mapping attribute objects hold their own state data = attrs._attributes elif isinstance(attrs, Mapping): data = attrs else: return attrs serialized = {} for name, value in data.items(): attribute_type = self.get_attribute_type(name) if attribute_type._serializable: serialized[name] = attribute_type.serialize(value) return serialized def deserialize(self, values, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Parameters ---------- values : dict or MappingAttribute The values to use to initialize a new MappingAttribute. Returns ------- MappingAttribute A `MappingAttribute` instance with the given values. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If the given value is not a `Mapping`, or the value does not conform to the attribute type. """ if values is None: return None if isinstance(values, MappingAttribute): return values if not isinstance(values, Mapping): raise AttributeValidationError( "Expected a mapping or {} for attribute {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._attribute_name ) ) type_ = type(self) return type_(validate=validate, **self._get_attr_params(**values))
[docs]class ResolutionUnit(StrEnum): """Valid units of measure for Resolution. Attributes ---------- METERS : enum The resolution in meters. DEGREES : enum The resolution in degrees. """ METERS = "meters" DEGREES = "degrees"
[docs]class Resolution(MappingAttribute): """A spatial pixel resolution with a unit. For example, ``Resolution(value=60, unit=ResolutionUnit.METERS)`` represents a resolution of 60 meters per pixel. You can also use a string with a value and unit, for example ``60m`` or ``1.2 deg.``. The available unit designations are: * m, meter, meters, metre, metres * °, deg, degree, degrees Spaces between the value and unit are optional, as is a trailing period. Objects with resolution values can be filtered by a unitless number in which case the value is always in meters. For example, retrieving all bands with a resolution of 60 meters per pixel: >>> == 60) # doctest: +SKIP Parameters ---------- values : Mapping or str A mapping that either contains the `value` and `unit` key/value pairs, or is a string that can be parsed to a `value` and a `unit`. **kwargs : optional See `Attribute`. Attributes ---------- value : float The value of the resolution. unit : str or ResolutionUnit The unit the resolution is measured in. """ _pattern = re.compile(r"([-0-9.]+)\s*([a-zA-Z.°]+)") _unit_mapping = { "m": ResolutionUnit.METERS, "meter": ResolutionUnit.METERS, "metre": ResolutionUnit.METERS, "meters": ResolutionUnit.METERS, "metres": ResolutionUnit.METERS, "°": ResolutionUnit.DEGREES, "deg": ResolutionUnit.DEGREES, "degree": ResolutionUnit.DEGREES, "degrees": ResolutionUnit.DEGREES, } value = Attribute() unit = EnumAttribute(ResolutionUnit) def __init__(self, values=None, **kwargs): super(Resolution, self).__init__(**kwargs) if values is not None: r = self.deserialize(values) self.value = r.value self.unit = r.unit def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ # Serialize a single number as is - this supports filtering resolution # attributes by meters. if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): return value else: return super(Resolution, self).serialize( value, jsonapi_format=jsonapi_format ) def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Parameters ---------- values : dict or MappingAttribute The values to use to initialize a new MappingAttribute. The two keys that can be used as ``value`` and ``unit``. Returns ------- Resolution A `Resolution` instance with the given values. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If the value is not a `Resolution` or a mapping with a `value` and `unit` key, or cannot be parsed into a compatible `value` and `unit`. """ if isinstance(value, str): match = self._pattern.match(value) unit = match and".") if not unit or unit not in self._unit_mapping: raise AttributeValidationError( "The given resolution string cannot be parsed: {}".format(value) ) value = {"value": float(, "unit": self._unit_mapping[unit]} return super(Resolution, self).deserialize(value, validate)
[docs]class File(MappingAttribute): """File definition for an Image. Attributes ---------- href : str If the :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState` is :py:attr:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState.AVAILABLE`, this field is required and it must be a valid reference to either a JP2 or a GeoTiff file using the ``gs`` scheme. If the :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState` is :py:attr:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState.REMOTE`, this field is optional and you can use one of the schemes ``gs``, ``http``, ``https``, ``ftp``, or ``ftps``; if the scheme is ``gs``, it must be a valid reference but can be any format. size_bytes : int Size of the file in bytes. Required when the :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState` is :py:attr:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState.AVAILABLE`. hash : str The md5 hash for the given file. Required when the :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState` is :py:attr:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState.AVAILABLE`. provider_id : str Optional ID for the external provider when the :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState` is :py:attr:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState.REMOTE`. provider_href : str A URI to describe the remote image in more detail. Either the `provider_href` or the `href` must be specified when the :py:class:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState` is :py:attr:`~descarteslabs.catalog.StorageState.REMOTE`. """ href = Attribute() size_bytes = Attribute() hash = Attribute() provider_id = Attribute() provider_href = Attribute()
class ListAttribute(ModelAttribute, MutableSequence): """Base class for attributes that are lists. Can be set using an iterable of items. The type is the same for all list items, and created automatically to hold a given deserialized value if it's not already that type. The type can reject the value with a `AttributeValidationError`. ListAttributes behave similarly to `MappingAttributes` but provide additional operations that allow list-like interactions (slicing, appending, etc.) One major difference between ListAttributes and `MappingAttributes` is that ListAttributes shouldn't be subclassed or instantiated directly - it's much easier for users to construct and assign a list or iterable, and allow __set__ to handle the coercing of the values to the correct type. Parameters ---------- attribute_type : Attribute All items in the ListAttribute must be of the same Attribute type. The actual values must be able to be deserialized by that Attribute type. items : Iterable An iterable of items from which to construct the initial content. validate : bool Whether or not to verify whether the values are valid for the given Attribute type. ``True`` be default. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If any of the items cannot be successfully deserialized to the given attribute type and `validate` is ``True``. Example ------- This is the recommended way to instantiate a ListAttribute, you don't maintain a reference to the original list but the semantics are much cleaner. >>> from descarteslabs.catalog import CatalogObject, File >>> from descarteslabs.catalog.attributes import ListAttribute >>> class ExampleCatalogObject(CatalogObject): ... files = ListAttribute(File) >>> files = [ ... File(href=""), ... File(href=""), ... ] >>> obj = ExampleCatalogObject(files=files) >>> assert obj.files is not files """ # this value is ONLY used for for instances of the attribute that # are attached to class definitions. It's confusing to put this # instantiation into __init__, because the value is only ever set # from AttributeMeta.__new__, after it's already been instantiated _attribute_name = None def __init__(self, attribute_type, validate=True, items=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(attribute_type, Attribute): self._attribute_type = attribute_type elif issubclass(attribute_type, Attribute): self._attribute_type = attribute_type(**kwargs) else: raise AttributeValidationError( "First argument for {} must be an Attribute type".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) # give the attribute_type our own name for meaningful error messages self._attribute_type._attribute_name = self._attribute_name self._items = [] super(ListAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) if items is not None: self._items = [ self._instantiate_item(item, validate=validate) for item in items ] def __repr__(self): """A string representation for this instance. The representation is broken up over multiple lines for readability. """ sections = [] for item in self._items: sections.append(repr(item)) return "[" + ", ".join(sections) + "]" def _instantiate_item(self, item, validate=True, add_model=True): """Handles coercing the provided value to the correct type. Handles coercing the provided value to the correct type, optionally registers this instance of the ListAttribute as the model object for ModelAttribute item types. """ item = self._attribute_type.deserialize(item, validate=validate) if add_model and isinstance(item, ModelAttribute): item._add_model_object(self) return item def serialize(self, values, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ if values is None: return None return [ self._attribute_type.serialize(v, jsonapi_format=jsonapi_format) for v in values ] def deserialize(self, values, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Parameters ---------- values : Iterable An iterator used to initialize a `ListAttribute` instance. Returns ------- ListAttribute A `ListAttribute` with the given items. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If the value is not an iterable or if the value cannot be successfully deserialized to the given attribute type and `validate` is ``True``. """ if values is None: return None if isinstance(values, ListAttribute): return values if not isinstance(values, Iterable) or isinstance(values, (str, bytes)): raise AttributeValidationError( "{} expects a non-string/bytes iterable for attribute {}, not {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._attribute_name, values.__class__.__name__, ) ) # ensures subclasses are handled correctly type_ = type(self) return type_( self._attribute_type, validate=validate, items=values, **self._get_attr_params(), ) # MutableSequence methods def __getitem__(self, n): return self._items[n] def __setitem__(self, n, item): self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("set") previous_value = self._items[n] # handling slice assignment if isinstance(n, slice): try: iter(item) except TypeError: # mimic the error you get from the builtin raise TypeError("Can only assign an iterable") new_item = list(self._instantiate_item(o) for o in item) else: new_item = self._instantiate_item(item) # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed self._set_modified(changed=(previous_value != new_item)) # will throw IndexError which is what we want if previous value isn't set self._items[n] = new_item # slicing returns a list of items if not isinstance(n, slice): previous_value = [previous_value] for val in previous_value: if isinstance(val, MappingAttribute): val._remove_model_object(self) def __delitem__(self, n): self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("delete") previous_value = self._items[n] # slicing returns a list of items if not isinstance(n, slice): previous_value = [previous_value] for val in previous_value: if isinstance(val, MappingAttribute): val._remove_model_object(self) new_items = list(self._items) # will throw IndexError which is what we want if previous value isn't set del new_items[n] # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed self._set_modified(changed=(self._items != new_items)) self._items = new_items def __len__(self): return len(self._items) def insert(self, index, value): self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("insert") new_value = self._instantiate_item(value) # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed self._set_modified() self._items.insert(index, new_value) # Remaining Sequence methods def __add__(self, other): # emulating how concatenation works for lists if not isinstance(other, Iterable) or isinstance(other, (str, bytes)): raise TypeError( "{} can only concatenate non-string/bytes iterables" "for attribute {}, not {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, self._attribute_name, other.__class__.__name__, ) ) # this is a shallow copy operations, so we don't attach the new item to this # model object new_other = [self._instantiate_item(o, add_model=False) for o in other] return self._items + new_other def __mul__(self, other): return self._items * other def __imul__(self, other): # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed self._set_modified(changed=(self._items and other != 1)) self._items *= other return self def __rmul__(self, other): return self._items * other def copy(self): """Return a shallow copy of the list.""" return self._items.copy() def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False): self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("sort") """Stable sort *IN PLACE*.""" new_items = list(self._items) new_items.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) # `_set_modified()` will raise exception if change is not allowed self._set_modified(changed=(self._items != new_items)) self._items = new_items # Comparison methods def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, (self.__class__, Iterable)): return False if len(self) != len(other): return False for i1, i2 in zip(self, other): if i1 != i2: return False return True def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): other = other._items # allow list __ge__ to raise/return return self._items >= other def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): other = other._items # allow list __gt__ to raise/return return self._items > other def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): other = other._items # allow list __le__ to raise/return return self._items <= other def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): other = other._items # allow list __lt__ to raise/return return self._items < other class ExtraPropertiesAttribute(ModelAttribute, MutableMapping): """An attribute that contains properties (key/value pairs). Can be set using a dictionary of items or any `Mapping`, or an instance of this attribute. All keys must be string and values can be string or numbers. ExtraPropertiesAttribute behaves similar to dictionaries. Example ------- This is the recommended way to instantiate a ExtraPropertiesAttribute, you don't maintain a reference to the original list but the semantics are much cleaner. >>> from descarteslabs.catalog import CatalogObject >>> from descarteslabs.catalog.attributes import ExtraPropertiesAttribute >>> class ExampleCatalogObject(CatalogObject): ... extra_properties = ExtraPropertiesAttribute() >>> properties = { ... "prop1": "value1", ... "prop2": "value2", ... } >>> obj = ExampleCatalogObject(extra_properties=properties) >>> assert obj.extra_properties is not properties >>> obj.extra_properties["prop3"] = "value3" """ # this value is ONLY used for for instances of the attribute that # are attached to class definitions. It's confusing to put this # instantiation into __init__, because the value is only ever set # from AttributeMeta.__new__, after it's already been instantiated _attribute_name = None def __init__(self, value=None, validate=True, **kwargs): self._items = {} super(ExtraPropertiesAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) if value is not None: if validate: for key, val in value.items(): self.validate_key_and_value(key, val) self._items.update(value) def __repr__(self): return "{}{}{}".format( "{", ", ".join( [ "{}: {}".format(repr(key), repr(value)) for key, value in self._items.items() ] ), "}", ) def validate_key_and_value(self, key, value): """Validate the key and value. The key must be a string, and the value either a string or a number. """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise AttributeValidationError( "Keys for property {} must be strings: {}".format( self._attribute_name, key ) ) elif not isinstance(value, (str, int, float)): raise AttributeValidationError( "The value for property {} with key {} must be a string or a number: {}".format( self._attribute_name, key, value ) ) def serialize(self, value, jsonapi_format=False): """Serialize a value to a json-serializable type. See :meth:`Attribute.serialize`. """ if value is None: return None # Shallow copy return dict(value._items) def deserialize(self, value, validate=True): """Deserialize a value to a native type. See :meth:`Attribute.deserialize`. Parameters ---------- value : dict or ExtraPropertiesAttribute A set of values to use to initialize a new ExtraPropertiesAttribute instance. All keys must be strings, and values can be strings or numbers. Returns ------- ExtraPropertiesAttribute A `ExtraPropertiesAttribute` with the given items. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If the value is not a mapping or any of the keys are not strings, or any of the values are not strings or numbers. """ if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, ExtraPropertiesAttribute): return value if validate: if not isinstance(value, Mapping): raise AttributeValidationError( "A ExtraPropertiesAttribute expects a mapping: {}".format( self._attribute_name ) ) for key, val in value.items(): self.validate_key_and_value(key, val) return ExtraPropertiesAttribute( value, validate=validate, **self._get_attr_params() ) # Mapping methods def __getitem__(self, key): return self._items[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("set") self.validate_key_and_value(key, value) old_value = self._items.get(key, None) changed = key not in self._items or old_value != value self._set_modified(changed=changed) self._items[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): self._raise_if_immutable_or_readonly("delete") if key in self._items: self._set_modified(changed=True) del self._items[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._items) def __len__(self): return len(self._items) class TupleAttribute(Attribute): """An attribute that represents a tuple. The minimum and maximum size of the tuple can be specified. If the minimum and maximum size are identical, the tuple must be exactly that size. Parameters ---------- attribute_type : type, optional Each item in the tuple must be of the given type. coerce : bool, optional If an `attribute_type` is given, whether a non-conforming value should be coerced to that type. ``False`` by default. min : int, optional The minimum number of items the tuple must contain. If not set, there is no minimum. max : int, optional The maximum number of items the table can contain. If not set, there is no maximum. **kwargs : optional See `Attribute`. Raises ------ ValueError If a coercion failed. AttributeValidationError If the value doesn't confirm to the tuple specification. """ def __init__( self, attribute_type=None, coerce=False, min_length=None, max_length=None, **kwargs, ): super(TupleAttribute, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.attribute_type = attribute_type self.coerce = coerce self.min_length = None if min_length is None else int(min_length) self.max_length = None if max_length is None else int(max_length) def __set__(self, obj, value, validate=True): """Sets the value for this attribute on the given object. See :meth:`Attribute.__set__`. Raises ------ AttributeValidationError If the value cannot be coerced into a tuple, or if any of the tuple items cannot be coerced into, or match the given attribute type, or if the tuple length does not confirm to the given min_length and max_length. """ # Make sure it's a tuple if isinstance(value, Iterable) and not isinstance(value, (str, bytes, tuple)): value = tuple(value) if validate: value = self.validate_value(value) super(TupleAttribute, self).__set__(obj, value, validate) def validate_value(self, value): # Validate the value, optionally coercing it, and return the value if not isinstance(value, tuple): raise AttributeValidationError( "You must specify a tuple for {}".format(self._attribute_name) ) if self.attribute_type: if self.coerce: items = [] for item in value: if self.coerce: try: item = self.attribute_type(item) except ValueError as e: raise AttributeValidationError(e) items.append(item) elif not isinstance(item, self.attribute_type): raise AttributeValidationError( "Not all items are of type {} for {}".format( self.attribute_type, self._attribute_name ) ) if self.coerce: value = tuple(items) if ( self.min_length is not None and self.min_length == self.max_length and len(value) != self.min_length ): raise AttributeValidationError( "Tuple must contain exactly {} items for {}".format( self.min_length, self._attribute_name ) ) if self.min_length is not None and len(value) < self.min_length: raise AttributeValidationError( "Tuple must contain at least {} items for {}".format( self.min_length, self._attribute_name ) ) if self.max_length is not None and len(value) < self.max_length: raise AttributeValidationError( "Tuple can contain up to {} items for {}".format( self.max_length, self._attribute_name ) ) return value